Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dogs and Horses

"Dogs and Horses" has been the subject line on my Morgan List for a couple of days now, and it makes me think of my sister, Amanda. Every year she sends me a Valentine's Day card, and a separate one for the animals. She's not a huge animal lover as I am, but it's her way of acknowledging their place in my life. I think it's really sweet.

Anyway, aside from having Down's Syndrome, Amanda is also dyslexic. Despite these challenges, she eventually learned to read and write on a limited basis.

Her Valentine one year was addressed to: "Gods and Hores".
(Read: Dogs and Horses)

I about split my sides! So now whenever I send Christmas cards or birthday cards or whatever, I am sure to sign it accordingly.

& Gods and Hores


  1. Dear Nancy,

    I have an adult brother that is retarded. Yes, I know that word is not politically correct, but that is the word we always used throughout my youth. He is much worst than your Amanda in that he cannot do much for himself (bathe or brush his teeth right) nor read and write at all. But he NEVER forgets a person or a pet's name and always asks about them when he visits. He can even remember a persons name that he only see one a year at a holiday.

  2. Nancy,

    I have people visitng my horse blog (YA novel) asking me where the great blogs are. Is it okay if I put your link on my site?

    I'm at

    I also ordered your book from Aamzon today--I have a list going on the site of the best horse books and, given what Joni Solis said, I guess I'll be adding your title!

    If you send me a JPEG of the cover and the other "where to buy" info, I'll post it.

    Great blog!


  3. Joni, your brother sounds like a charmer. Amanda too is very socially adept in that way. I think they have a handle on what is really important!

    Anastasia, thanks for the nice comment! Please feel free to link to me. I have added your blog to my list of links. It's great!

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