Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Parade

Cliffy and I attended a parade today. We went in the Pinckney parade with Pinckney Trail Riding Assoc. Here is a pic of us with my friend Dianne and her boyfriend Fredd. They're riding Tenn Walkers. This was Fredd's horse, Dollar's first parade and so he was stationed between Cliffy and Dianne's horse Kincaid. He did great!

It was a really good time and I am SO glad I got out and did it. Clifford was happy and it was a nice diversion for me. He even did some galloping through the woods on the way back and was none the worse for wear. It did my heart good to be back in the saddle. Thank you Dianne!

Clifford is great therapy.


  1. You both look fabulous - It's obvious that Cliffy is having a great time!

  2. It is good you got out and did something with Cliffy to take your mind off things for a while. Life goes on.

  3. Oh wow!!! My mind is blown away! You three look amazing out there.
    And your smile is huge.

    Good for you and for Cliffie, too!
