Friday, August 29, 2008

Jon Update

Well, yesterday I spoke to Jon for the first time in a couple of months. He was moved out of ICU on Thursday and at first was very forgetful and somewhat incoherent. He is too weak to even lift his arms. He's undergoing physical therapy and yesterday he sat up for the first time. A couple of other family members called to talk to him, but I told Judy I'd wait until he asked for me.

Then yesterday he did! "Can you hear me?" he said. "I'm still alive, and kickin'!"

He started telling me he wanted to get a couple of horses and go trail riding with me up in the hills!

It was very emotional talking to him, but it was so great to hear his voice. He's pretty frustrated with being bedridden, but the physical therapists report that he's doing great.

Boy, what a good day yesterday was.

Thanks everyone for the positive thoughts. I am so grateful for everything.

1 comment:

  1. Nancy - This is great news- I hope you do both get to go trail riding. I think that "grateful" is in the air everywhere right now.
