Friday, November 6, 2009

CH Lynn-Lee's Christmas Pepper

Nearly seventeen years ago I was adopted by a very special red Somali girl. Pepper went on to be the calmest and most reliable of all show cats. My little sister Amanda handled her. I remember one occasion where, on the way up to a ring, Amanda dropped her. She just stood there, until I scooped her up (I was carrying another cat, probably Etee) and plunked her back into Amanda's arms. Pepper just wasn't rattled by anything.

She was an excellent mother. Her own mother was named, "Lynn-Lee's Thanksgiving Parade", and Pepper continued the holiday tradition. Her daughter, Foxbrush Holiday Rush, now lives with my friend Kari Selinger, and her granddaughter, Foxbrush Lacy Valentine, lives with my friend Cindy.

The cat showing and breeding world was an interesting one. It was really the only common interest shared by my ex husband, and I stayed with it a lot longer than I wanted to, for his sake. A good thing did come out of it though, in the way of a book called, "My Best Cat." It's disguised as, "A Furry Murder Mystery", but is really a character study on the personalities that frequent cat shows.

Pepper died today as she had lived, peacefully and with great dignity. She is the last of my cats, and her passing marks the end of an era. She will be missed.


  1. Sorry to hear. She was beautiful.

  2. Nancy, I'm sad to see this, but I know that she had a wonderful life and a loving owner. She sure was beautiful, and her beauty and personality live on in her granddaughter, who is watching me type this and purring loudly. I'm honored to have her! Miss V sends her love.
