Thursday, February 14, 2013

What's In a Face?

Native American girl holding a baby owl, acrylic, 8x10".  The painting is still available for sale.  This is from an old photo (I mean really old, like from the early 1900's).  I was compelled to paint her because I was captivated by her expression.  She is clearly dressed up -- maybe to have the photo made.  But I would really love to know what is happening here.  What could she possibly be thinking?  I invite your thoughts!


  1. To me, she seems conflicted, maybe a little sad. Maybe it is time to release the owl back to the wild, and her heart aches over letting something go that she has nurtured and raised?

  2. That is just what I was thinking...
    The owl is finally well enough to go back to his home and she is sad.

  3. LOVE this, there is so much wisdom in the young girls face, you captured the human essence in this portrait!
